4. Kenyan Ugali: Let’s shift gears. I’ve never heard of ugali until I started running, and then it became a frequent meal. This traditional Kenyan dish comprised of kale, red onion, and a starchy dough ball is packed with carbs. It’s relatively easy to make, and your body will thank you come race day.
How to Make It: Boil four cups of water and two teaspoons of salt in a large saucepan. Gradually stir in two cups of white cornmeal. Reduce the heat and stir continuously, smoothing out any lumps. Cook it until it forms an even mush. At this point, the dough is like napalm; it sticks to your skin and burns… a lot. Following this next step is imperative. Let it cool before you start to roll the dough into balls. Just trust me on this one. In a separate pan sauté red onions, and your choice of dark leafy greens in a little olive oil. Serve, and enjoy.
Best for: Carb loading the night before.